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TrustEd Apps Pledge

The TrustEd Apps Program begins with our pledge to put open standards and data privacy at the forefront of education technology integrations.

Today’s challenges are unprecedented.

Students and teachers need a resilient, flexible, safe, and data-rich technology experience—whether in the classroom, online, or across both—that improves productivity, increases engagement, and facilitates student success. School districts and universities that have put interoperability and data privacy enabled by open standards at the center of their edtech ecosystem requirements have been better able to support their faculty and students as they strive to make the most out of education technology.

Why open standards?

Open standards are more than just a better way. They are the only viable way for institutions, governments, and suppliers to invest together to address today’s challenges and enable greater opportunities for innovation. Open standards work, and they are widely available.

“The TrustEd Apps Pledge positions education organizations to leverage our collective voice to require an even playing field when purchasing and implementing instructional tools."
Emily E. Bell, Ed.D., Chief Information Officer, Fulton County Schools

TrustEd Apps Pledge Endorsed Add your organization’s voice to this important cause!

It’s time for all of us to rise to the challenge of making open standards ubiquitous and effective—for the benefit of every student, every teacher, every institution of learning, and every supplier. Endorse the pledge and consider engaging in the TrustEd Apps Program to ensure we get consistent and ubiquitous support for open standards in service of the students, teachers, and institutions that lie at the heart of our community!


"We see 1EdTech as a leader in this direction in the education market and are excited about partnering to contribute to developing and expanding open standards. As an organization that is deeply committed to open standards in education, TrustEd Apps is a great way for us to demonstrate that commitment and link arms with our like-minded peers."
—Michael Webb, Chief Technology Officer, Identity Automation

See the leading organizations that have endorsed the pledge to support TrustEd Apps.

Want to learn more about the TrustEd Apps Pledge? Read the FAQ.

Endorse the Pledge


Thank you, 1EdTech Contributing Members, for Endorsing the TrustEd Apps Pledge!


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