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1EdTech eAssessment Alliance


Become an Advocate for Interoperability


1EdTech members established the eAssessment Alliance to make interoperability a reality by providing an open, trusted, and innovative digital learning marketplace for educators and edtech suppliers.

Joining the Alliance gives organizations access to development resources, test suites, and conformance certification for specific 1EdTech open standards. Thus avoiding the need to reinvest in tools, processes, and costly custom integrations when connecting to a wide variety of platforms.

Plus, the power of the 1EdTech community is by your side every step of the way. That moves us all forward faster and makes day-to-day activities easier and more impactful for educators, administrators, and learners.

To access the code libraries in GitHub, members must hold an Affiliate or Contributing membership level.



eAssessment Alliance Open Standards

Deliver on Redesigning Equitable Assessment to Improve Progress and Personalization

Question and Test Interoperability® (QTI®)

Enables the exchange of item and test content and results data between authoring tools, item banks, test construction tools, learning platforms, assessment delivery systems, and scoring/analytics engines.

Accessible Portable Item Protocol® (APIP®)

Provides assessment programs and question item developers with a data model for standardizing the interchange file format for digital test items. When applied properly, the APIP standard accomplishes two important goals. 




Advance Your Strategy and the Greater Good




1EdTech Certification logo


How to Get Certified

To claim conformance to a 1EdTech assessment open standard an implementing organization must complete the certification process and join the eAssessment Alliance. The alliance serves as the developer and conformance certification community for the particular standard(s).

Recent Product Certifications

The TrustEd Apps Directory is the easiest way to search and review digital education products that have achieved 1EdTech conformance certification. Products certified by 1EdTech are the best way to reduce implementation costs and ensure all your learning tools and content work together.

TrustEd Apps Directory


Benefits of 1EdTech Certification

 Your True Source for Interoperability

Showcase a higher value in the market than just claims of “compliance".


Pass a rigorous set of tests to guarantee interoperability across the widest range of product integrations.


Buyers trust 1Edtech as neutral arbiter of truly interoperable products and content.
Engage with the most united global education technology community.


Receive continuous updates in the evolution of standards and conformance testing.


1EdTech Certification is included in your membership: Certify any number of products at no additional cost for each Alliance category or all categories for Contributing or Affiliate membership.



Use an identifiable product registration number when responding to an RFP.


Troubleshoot any technical issues with expert help from 1EdTech support and access on-demand technical resources


Proudly display the 1EdTech certification logo in your product and marketing activities.


Join the eAssessment Alliance

The 1EdTech eAssessment Alliance membership is available to Edtech Supplier organizations. Welcome to the world’s most united educational technology community.

Edtech Suppliers

Let Your Current and Prospective Customers
Know You Value Interoperability

Join 1EdTech


Need More Than One Alliance?

Yes! Having access to more than one Alliance is a great choice. Remember, it's always a lower cost to join at the Affiliate level, which covers all the Alliances you need plus added 1EdTech benefits.

Learning Tools and Content Alliance   |   TrustEd Apps Alliance  |  EduERP Alliance

eAssessment Alliance   |   Digital Credentials and Badges Alliance

Learn More eAssessment Alliance bottom pic


Have Questions? We Have Answers.

We had you in mind when we created the eAssessment Alliance. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're always happy to help. 

Contact Us






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