A Portrait of Lifelong Learning Is Now Possible With the Connections We Are Making Together
The 1EdTech community works across K-12, higher education, and corporate education to create microcredentials that show the whole learner at every step of their educational journey, allow for learner-initiated mobility, and can be easily verified. Together, we’re opening new opportunities for skills-based hiring and life-long learner success.
An Open Ecosystem Means Access and Innovation
Digital credentials with open standards from the 1EdTech community are learner-controlled, skills-based, and always interoperable. This helps make lifelong achievements more shareable and secure without custom integrations, saving you time and resources and accelerating your digital transformation.
The 1EdTech digital credentials workstream includes the Comprehensive Learner Record™ (CLR Standard®), Open Badges, and Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange® (CASE® ) standards.

An Education-to-Employment Ecosystem Means Success for Us All
Everyone Can Organize, Track, and Verify Qualifications From the Start
As employers look to skills-based hiring and students rethink college, educators can bridge the gap with microcredentials. Using the CLR and Open Badges standards, a microcredential offers portable, trustworthy proof of skills. They empower learners to match their abilities with job requirements and aid employers in finding the perfect fit.
TrustEd Credential Coalition
Join us as we work together to transform the education system and align learning to workforce needs.
1EdTech's TrustEd Credential Coalition brings together leaders in digital credentials from higher education, edtech suppliers, and K-12 districts to address concerns about the consistency of rigor, variations in data quality, and relevance for purpose in digital credentials.
TrustEd Credential Coalition
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As the number and types of credentials continue to grow, having clear standards for what comprises these credentials is critical to ensuring quality and trust for both individuals and employers.

Become a 1EdTech Member
By working collaboratively with the brightest minds in education and technology, we're making an impact on all learners. Join the 1EdTech community today because together, we go forward faster.
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AACRAO and 1EdTech Set the Standard
The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers has issued guidance for higher education institutions to adopt the 1EdTech CLR standard—and encourages employers to do the same.
Read the full story. and review AACRAO's Practical Guide for Campus Personnel.
Learn & Work Ecosystem Library Announces New Collaboration with 1EdTech
1EdTech’s collaboration with the Library will enable our members to access a rich trove of reference information to help them work toward a better future by connecting education with career opportunities. Read the press release.

All Learners Have a Story, Help Them Tell It
1EdTech members are revolutionizing how learners capture their achievements and competencies beyond the traditional transcript to help each student tell their story. Discover our Achievement, Opportunity, and Employment imperative to enable new connections between the world of work and the world of education,
Achievement, Opportunity, and Employment
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What’s the Difference Between CLRs, LERs, and Wallets?
There is a lot of talk about microcredentials, Open Badges, digital credentials, LERs, wallets, and CLRs. It is important to know what they are and how they are different, especially if you are creating a skills-based credentialing program to provide value to your learners.
Read the Blog
Check Out Our FAQ For Other Digital Credentials Info!
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The 1EdTech standards opened our eyes to the possibilities of providing students with both our traditional and expanded credentials in a manner that would give them agency over them and how and to whom they’re disclosed.
In addition, we recognized the power of standards to enable the provider, the student, and the recipient to use digital tools to send, receive, consume, interpret, and perhaps most importantly, to trust the credentials and the value propositions they represent.

Prepare for the World Ahead
Digital transformations may seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be with these resources and guidance from the experts. We're here for you.
Comprehensive Learner Record
Student-centered digital learning records are critical for your institution to capture the entirety of a learner's education-to-employment journey. Find resources here to help you get started and grow your CLR initiative.
Open Badges
Thousands of organizations worldwide issue Open Badges, from non-profits to major employers to educational institutions at all levels. You can learn more with our Open Badges and CLR FAQ.
See the results of the Badge Count 2022 Report.
CASE Network 2
A breakthrough resource that provides an efficient and effective single access point for districts, states, and suppliers to ensure the alignment of digital resources to learning standards and other competencies. Learn more about CASE Network 2 hosted by Common Good Learning Tools.
Wellspring Initiative
Wellspring is a multi-year initiative of the 1EdTech Foundation and 1EdTech Consortium that aims to accelerate the adoption of an education-to-work ecosystem based on open technology standards. See the Wellspring Initiative Resources.
1EdTech Certified Products
A product certified by 1EdTech means it's verified and securely transferable to any certified platform—you can count on it.
TrustEd AppsTM Directory
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Empowering Tomorrow's Learners Starts With an Open Ecosystem
Unlock the unlimited possibilities with 1EdTech's six key workstreams, and help us lead the way to an open, innovative, and trusted educational technology ecosystem. Together, we power learner potential.
TrustEd AppsTM Vetting | Learning Platforms, Apps, and Tools
Curriculum Innovation and Teaching Strategies | Integrated Assessment
Learning Data and Analytics | Digital Credentials
Working with 1EdTech gives us the advantage of an internationally accepted format, for open badges and comprehensive learner records, that can be used across multiple industries and institutions.

Many of our students are already employed and looking for promotional pathways through their current employers. Being able to assert their job readiness through a verifiable record is what is most meaningful to them.

We have a broad community, from K-12 thru corporate, and we have badging solutions for all of them. Working with 1EdTech allows us to collaborate with all of those audiences and provide a full gamut of solutions.

Companies are not necessarily interested in the grade you received in a course, they are more interested in what you learned and what you can do. A CLR shows that. Through 1EdTech, our platform can easily and safely share information with other platforms, allowing learners to have that information in one place, and more easily move from education to work.

Territorium, an international edtech company, joined 1EdTech when it moved into the US market, and found a community of like-minded suppliers and educational institutions looking to help learners succeed based on their specific skills.
Through 1EdTech’s Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) standard, it’s easier for Territorium to share data with a variety of technologies to capture all a learner knows and can do, so they can go on to share it with potential employers.
The company is excited to continue collaboration and innovation to discover new possibilities for learners in the future.
Discover 1EdTech's Comprehensive Learner Record
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