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1EdTech TrustEd Apps Alliance


Privacy, Accessibility, and Security You Can Trust

By joining the Trusted Apps Alliance, edtech suppliers and higher education institutions can earn the TrustEd Apps Data Privacy Certification and complete Accessibility, Generative AI Data, and Security Practices self-assessments. 1EdTech certifications and self-assessment reports are viewable to all 1EdTech members.


Supplier and HED image


Edtech Suppliers and Higher Education Institutions

Suppliers and Higher Education institutions who join this Alliance can receive a review of their applications’ Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to achieve TrustEd Apps Data Privacy Certification

TrustEd Apps Data Privacy Certification boosts organizations' visibility in the TrustEd Apps Management Suite, enhancing their reputation among privacy-conscious institutions. Widely recognized in education, it assures reliability in edtech products, saving time and resources on independent research and vetting.

TrustEd Apps Alliance members maximize their benefits by submitting 1EdTech self-assessments, featured in the TrustEd Apps Management Suite and TrustEd Apps Product Directory for other 1EdTech members to explore.

Accessibility          Generative AI Data          Security Practices


Join the TrustEd Apps Alliance

The 1EdTech TrustEd Apps Alliance membership is available to edtech supplier and higher education organizations.

Edtech Suppliers

Let Your Current and Prospective Customers
Know You Value Interoperability

Join 1EdTech

Higher Education

Create Better Learning Today and Tomorrow
With Experts Like You

Join 1EdTech




Need More Than One Alliance?

Yes! Having access to more than one Alliance is a great choice. Remember, it's always a lower cost to join at the Affiliate level, which covers all the Alliances you need plus added 1EdTech benefits.

Learning Tools and Content Alliance   |   TrustEd Apps Alliance  |  EduERP Alliance

eAssessment Alliance   |   Digital Credentials and Badges Alliance



We need our edtech suppliers to be able to dump data in our warehouse every night, so we can get the picture of the whole child. We also want to be sure the tools we purchase are helping those students learn and do what they claim to do. If they aren’t, we know we need to make changes.

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Jeff McCoy
Associate Superintendent for Academics
Greenville County Schools

The 1EdTechTrustEd Apps program is a huge win for district leaders to assist teachers in making informed educational application choices for students. 1EdTech's work to provide insight and transparency into vendor privacy policies and student data security practices is one of the many reasons we are dedicated to being Contributing Members of the consortium.

Photo of User
Kate Crawford
Director, Digital Learning & Media Services
Fayette County Public Schools - GA

The 1EdTech TrustEd Apps program is a really important tool to demonstrate our commitment as a supplier to privacy. 1EdTech helped us understand what we needed to do to meet our community's privacy requirements and needs.

We now use the I1EdTech data privacy rubric as part of our internal privacy auditing program.

Photo of User
Daisy Bennett
Associate General Counsel & Data Protection Officer


Have Questions? We Have Answers.

We had you in mind when we created the TustEd Apps Alliance. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're always happy to help.

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