All Learners Have a Story, Help Them Tell It
1EdTech members are revolutionizing how learners capture their achievements and competencies beyond the traditional transcript to help each student tell their story. They do this by leveraging digital microcredentials, and learner-owned lifelong achievement records developed and supported by the 1EdTech community.
Help Learners Capture and Share Achievements for a Lifetime of Opportunities
Enable new connections between the world of work and the world of education, enhancing opportunity and building lifelong relationships between education providers and learners at all levels.
- Enhance student pathways
- Enable a richer transcript with a variety of achievements
- Increase offerings for alumni
- Recognize achievement at a granular level
- Build stronger partnerships with employers
- Connect your students to employers
Identify Talent Based on What People Know and Can Do
Mastery Transcript Consortium
Mastery Transcript Consortium is a coalition of forward-looking schools that believe all children are capable of learning, and that it is our job as educators to design systems that ensure they do.
They also see traditional grading systems as a barrier to that learning, which is why they’re partnering with 1EdTech to create open badges and comprehensive learner records to help learners show what they know and can do outside of those traditional systems. They believe by showing it can work, more educators and lawmakers will be ready to embrace it.
Show the Whole Learner at Every Step of Their Journey
Digital Credentials
If you really want a new system to be equitable, it needs to be scalable. It has to be available everywhere, not just in boutique-style schools on the edges. 1EdTech brings that scalability and network effect to this work.

University of Maryland
The University of Maryland, Baltimore County will help students leverage all aspects of their university experience toward future success, through digital micro-credentials and a comprehensive learner record.
Working with 1EdTech and other members, the university is committed to moving the work forward while allowing students to showcase skills learned in and out of the classroom.
Together We Align Learning to Workforce Needs
TrustEd Credential Coalition
As 1EdTech members, we have the opportunity to collaborate with developers and talk about use cases and what we want to see from them in the future. We have a say in the evolution of products to help make everyone successful.

When 1EdTech vets our technologies and displays them through the TrustEd Apps Management Suite in a consumer reports-type of format, it gives customers confidence in what we’re creating. It not only creates a sense of pride but also a sense that we’re doing the right things in the right way.

Cengage Group supports 1EdTech standards, not only because they believe in an open, trusted, and innovative digital edtech ecosystem, but because it’s good business.
By following technology standards that are available and work for everyone, Cengage Group can reduce the financial burden on its clients while also increasing consumer confidence in its products. Now, they’re looking to create Open Badges to increase the value of their certifications.
Building the Learning and Employment Ecosystem
Digital Credentials Summit 2025
Become a 1EdTech Member
By working collaboratively with the brightest minds in education and technology, we're making an impact on all learners. Join the 1EdTech community today because together, we go forward faster.
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Expanding the Value and Usability of Digital Credentials
Go beyond the traditional transcript with rapidly evolving educational credentials that meet the needs of all learners.
The Whole Learner Every Step of the Way
Become a leader in digital credentials, and collaborate with 1EdTech members as we develop and leverage meaningful and verifiable credentials to increase learner achievement, opportunity and employment.
It's just one of our six key workstreams helping shape the future for K-12, higher education, and corporate education.
Empowering Tomorrow’s Learners Starts With an Open Ecosystem
Unlock the unlimited possibilities with 1EdTech’s six key workstreams, and help us lead the way to an open, innovative and trusted educational technology ecosystem. Together, we power learner potential.
TrustEd Apps Vetting | Learning Platforms, Apps, and Tools
Curriculum Innovation and Teaching Strategies | Integrated Assessment
Learning Data and Analytics | Digital Credentials