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Learning Impact Awards

1EdTech's annual Learning Impact Awards (LIA) competition is conducted globally to recognize outstanding, innovative educational technology applications that address the most significant educational challenges.

The 2025 Learning Impact Awards nomination period is open through March 1.

Submit a Nomination

Winners will be announced at the Learning Impact Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 2-5, 2025.

At the core of the Learning Impact Awards competition is 1EdTech's Learning Impact Trend framework of education technology project categories, which has evolved over the years as new trends emerge and others obsolesce. This framework is a leading indicator of emerging education technology trends, offering planning guidance for education institutions. It's based on the innovative, impactful entries brought forward at each Learning Impact Awards competition. It enables 1EdTech to identify emerging technology trends, usually several years ahead of mainstream adoption by the educational community. The award categories are defined in the Learning Impact Trend Framework Categories table. A categorization of all winners since the program began in 2007 is contained in the Summary of Winners table.


Advancing Teaching & Learning Innovation

Adaptive Trends Collaborative Learning Digital Resource

Gaming in Teaching Scaling Pedagogy

Advancing Learning Environment Infrastructure

Blending Learning Learning Networks Learning Accessibility

Learning Environments Learning Content  Learning Curriculum

Advancing Educational Insight, Attainment & Planning

Assessment Credentials Education to Work 

Education Pathways Learning Analytics Student Success


Competition and Judging

Any product or service provider, educational institution, or training provider that meets the competition's eligibility requirements can enter the contest.

Regional winners, along with other finalists, advance to the final round of the competition. The finalists' entries consist of a four-minute video pitch and a one-page detailed project flyer, followed by live presentations and Q&A with a team of evaluators.

In 2016, 1EdTech (then IMS Global Learning Consortium) opened the judging to the public for the first time, allowing people to evaluate the final entries online. The total scoring from all peer votes counts as one vote combined with the judges' votes.

Award winners are recognized at the annual Learning Impact Conference.

What distinguishes 1EdTech's Learning Impact Awards is its pragmatic focus. More work goes into the Learning Impact Awards evaluation process compared to other award programs in the education sector. Expert evaluators assess entries based on the use of technology in an educational institution context with clear evidence of learning impact.

The 2024 winners—platinum, gold, silver, and bronze medalists—were selected from 24 evidence-based and innovative technology projects. An annual report synthesizing trends and practices from the current year's projects is available.

View the 2024 Learning Impact Report

If you have questions about the Learning Impact Awards, contact

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