WSDLs/XSDs (combined into a single file):
The WSDL bindings are for a Synchronous SOAP implementation only. The WSDL files, expressed using WSDLv1.1, are combined WSDL/XSD files:
- PersonManagementServicev2p0_SyncSingle_v1p0.wsdl
- CourseManagementServicev1p0_SyncSingle_v1p0.wsdl
- GroupManagementServicev2p0_SyncSingle_v1p0.wsdl
- OutcomesManagementServicev1p0_SyncSingle_v1p0.wsdl
- MembershipManagementServicev2p0_SyncSingle_v1p0.wsdl
- BulkDataExchangeManagementServicev1p0_SyncSingle_v1p0.wsdl
The XSDs for each data structure for use with the BDEMS:
- imspms_filemodel_v2p0.xsd
- imscms_filemodel_v1p0.xsd
- imsgms_filemodel_v2p0.xsd
- imsoms_filemodel_v1p0.xsd
- imsmms_filemodel_v2p0.xsd
- imsbdemsFileData_v1p0.xsd
- imsepav1p0_v1p0.xsd
The PMS vocabularies are:
- The type of formatted name vocabulary formatnmetypevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- The type of name vocabulary nametypevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- The type of name part-name vocabulary – partnamevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- The type of address vocabulary addresstypevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- The address part vocabulary addresspartvocabularyv1p0p2.xml;
- The type of contact information vocabulary contactinfotypevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- The type of demographics vocabulary demographicstypevocabulartv1p0p2.xml;
- The type of representations vocabulary representationtypevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- The demographics information vocabulary demographicsinfovocabulartv1p0.xml;
- The type of enterprise system role vocabulary epriserolestypevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- The type of institution role vocabulary institutionroletypevocabularyv1p0p2.xml;
- The type of system role vocabulary systemrolevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- The enrollment information vocabulary enrollmentinfovocabularyv1p0.xml;
- The type of agent vocabulary agenttypevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- The type of event date vocabulary eventdatevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- Extension data-types vocabulary extensionvocabularyv1p0p2.xml;
- Language codes languagecodesvocabularyv1p0p2.xml. The set of codes used to identifiy the language for a string (based upon RFC4646).
The CMS vocabularies are:
- Status values vocabulary statusvocabularyv1p0.xml. The permitted status codes;
- Extension data-types vocabulary extensionvocabularyv1p0.xml. The set of data-types for the extensions;
- Language codes languagecodesvocabularyv1p0p2.xml. The set of codes used to identify the language for a string (based upon RFC4646).
The OMS vocabularies are:
- Types of LineItem vocabulary lineitemtypevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- Status of Result vocabulary statusofresultvocabularyv1p0.xml;
- Replace Status Code vocabulary replacestatuscoesvocabularyv1p0.xml;
- Exension data-types vocabulary extensionvocabularyv1p0.xml;
- Language codes – languagecodesvocabularyv1p0p2.xml. The set of codes used to identifiy the langage for a string (based upon RFC4646).
The MMS vocabularies are:
- The set of role types that a Person can have for their Memberships vocabulary roletypevocabularyv1p0p2.xml;
- The set of sub-role types that a Person can have for their Memberships vocabulary subrolevocabularyv1p0p2.xml;
- Extension data-types vocabulary extensionvocabularyv1p0p2.xml;
- Language codes – languagecodesvocabularyv1p0p2.xml. The set of codes used to identify the language for a string (based upon RFC4646).
The BDEMS vocabularies are:
- Parameter types vocabulary parametertypevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- Filter types vocabulary filtertypevocabularyv1p0.xml;
- Filter types for filter objects vocabulary filtervalueobjectvocabularyv1p0.xml;
- Transaction failure status codes vocabulary transactionfailstatusvocabularyv1p0.xml;
- Announce failure reports vocabulary announcefailurereportvocabularyv1p0.xml.