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Introduction to LTI™ Resource Search

What is LTI Resource Search?

The LTI Resource Search standard defines how learning tools and learning platforms search learning object repositories (LORs), and other catalogs of learning resources, for learning objects. The goal of the Resource Search standard is a common way for students and teachers to be able to search resource providers, such as learning object repositories, from single sources or aggregated from multiple sources, within a learning object consumer such as a learning management system or another educational platform.

LTI Resource Search includes the following key features:

  • A web services approach to searching for digital learning objects

  • An organized and defined set of resource metadata

What education use cases are supported by the standard?

Learning management systems and other educational platforms can provide teacher and student users with seamless access to educational resources (instructional videos, games, assessments, quizzes).  Resource aggregators and publishers who support this standard will provide direct access to a wider set of users without having to write custom connecting code to each learning tool.   


Resource Search offers a standard way for educational applications to search resource aggregators and for educational content creators to surface their metadata. Thus providing the right resource to each learner, enabling better learning outcomes.


For more information see Real-World Scenarios.

To whom is this important?

Suppliers and institutions benefit from a common way to search for learning resources.

What problems are being solved?

Educators have a more reliable way to search for learning objects across multiple providers from within their learning platform or tool. Learning platforms and tools make many more resources available to their users and have all results available in one place.

What are the standard's features or new features?

  • REST calls for resource searching and getting values (such as subjects)
  • Resource metadata (the payloads of returned data)
  • Supplementary definitions of certain structures (such as learning objectives)

What is the normal process flow?

Resource Search defines two roles, a Provider, and a Consumer. Learning object repositories (LORs), and other catalogs of learning resources, the Provider, can make available their learning object for search within a learning management system or learning tool, the Consumer.

Does this update or replace one or more existing specs?

This is the initial version of the standard specification.

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