The 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability (QTI®) specification enables the exchange of item and test content and results data between authoring tools, item banks, test construction tools, learning platforms, assessment delivery systems, and scoring/analytics engines.
QTI v3.0
QTI v2.2
QTI v2.1
QTI v2.0
QTI v1.2
QTI v1.2 Lite
Data-SSML v1.0 |
QTI 3 Results Reporting and Usage Data |
AfA PNP v1.0 Candidate Final |
CAT v1.0 |
A QTI Conformance Certification program and online validation tool are available for 1EdTech members to test their assessment products against the QTI specification. Contributing Members, Affiliates and e-Assessment Alliance participants have access to the tests in the eAssessment Alliance. Organizations procuring QTI products are strongly encouraged to require 1EdTech conformance certification for all such products to ensure the highest levels of interoperability are achieved across the educational community. Products that have achieved conformance certification are listed in the Product Directory.
For information about QTI, join the discussion at: Question & Test Interoperability Forum.
1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability v3.0 Final Release Specification (11 May 2022)
QTI v3 builds on the earlier versions of QTI and APIP, bringing them together into a single specification with better integration and accommodation solutions. The new specification also includes improved presentation interoperability, web-friendly markup allowing implementations to use standard web components in QTI structures and more native support for Computer Adaptive Testing and Portable Custom Interactions for technology-enhanced item creation and delivery.
- QTI 3 Overview
- QTI 3.0 Beginner's Guide
- QTI 3.0 Best Practices & Implementation Guide
- QTI 3 Standardized Shared Vocabulary and CSS Classes
- QTI 3 Terms and Definitions
- APIP to QTI 3 Migration Guide
- QTI 3 Conformance Certification Guide
- QTI 3.0.1 Assessment Test, Section, and Item Information Model
- QTI 3.0 Assessment Test, Section, and Item XSD Binding
- QTI 3.0 Metadata Information Model and XSD Binding
- Download all the QTI 3.0 Schemas (zip file)
1EdTech Support for Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Using the 'data-ssml' Property Version 1.0 Final Release Specification (01 July 2024)
- 1EdTech Support for Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Using the 'data-ssml' Property Version 1.0
QTI 3 Results Reporting and Usage Data
1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability v3.0 Public Candidate Final Specification (20 August 2020)
The Public Candidate Final specification documents are being made available now as they are finalized and released by the QTI Project Group. Active work continues on the Results Reporting and Usage Data best practices and will be published here as soon as they are ready.
AfA PNP and LTI AfA PNP Connector Service
AccessForAll® Personal Needs and Preferences v3.0, Candidate Final Draft v3 (updated May 2024) (1EdTech Member Login Required)
- Access for All (AfA) Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP) Service REST/JSON Binding (updated May 2024)
- Access for All (AfA) Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP) Service Model (updated May 2024)
- Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)® Access For All Personal Needs and Preferences (AfA PNP) Connector Service (updated 12 December 2023)
AccessForAll® Personal Needs and Preferences v3.0, Public Candidate Final Draft v2 (updated 18 January 2021)
Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT), Public Candidate Final Specification (09 November 2020)
The 1EdTech CAT v1.0 Specification is available as Public Candidate Final. The QTI project group is working to complete and define the Conformance Certification requirements, test set and documentation. Upon successful certification of multiple delivery and adaptive testing engines, the specification will be presented to the 1EdTech Technical Advisory Board for vote and approval.
- CAT Web Page
- CAT 1.0 Specification (Implementation Guide)
- CAT 1.0 Information Model
- CAT 1.0 REST/JSON Binding
- CAT 1.0 OpenApi Definition
- CAT 1.0 Conformance Certification (coming soon)
Version 3.0 - Example Files
Version 3.0 - Response Processing Templates
1. Packaging-Related XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
P1 | |
imsqtiv3p0_imscpv1p2_v1p0.xsd | |
P2 | |
imsqtiv3p0_cpextv1p2_v1p0.xsd | |
2. QTI-Specific XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
Q1 | |
imsqti_asiv3p0p1_v1p0.xsd | |
Q2 | |
imsqti_itemv3p0p1_v1p0.xsd | |
Q3 | |
imsqti_testv3p0p1_v1p0.xsd | |
Q4 | |
imsqti_sectionv3p0p1_v1p0.xsd | |
Q5 | |
imsqti_stimulusv3p0p1_v1p0.xsd | |
Q6 | |
imsqti_outcomev3p0_v1p0.xsd | |
Q7 | |
imsqti_responseprocessingv3p0_v1p0.xsd | |
Q8 | |
imsqti_resultv3p0_v1p0.xsd | |
Q9 |
imsqti_usagedatav3p0_v1p0.xsd | |
3. Metadata-Related XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
M1 | |
imsqtiv3p0_csmv1p1_v1p0.xsd | |
M2 | |
imsmd_loose_v1p3p2.xsd | |
M3 | |
imsqti_metadatav3p0_v1p0.xsd | |
M4 | |
imsqtiv3p0_afa3p0drd_v1p0.xsd. | |
4. Access for All Personal Needs & Preferences XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
A1 | |
imsqtiv3p0_afa3p0pnp_v1p0.xsd | |
5. Other-Related XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
X1 | |
xml.xsd | |
X2 | |
XInclude.xsd | |
X3 | |
mathml3.xsd | |
X4 | |
ssmlv1p1-core.xsd | |
X5 | |
imsvdex_v1p0.xsd | |
6. VDEX-based Vocabularies
ID | Registered ID | Vocabulary File Name | Vocabulary Location |
V1 | |
imsqti_usagedatav3p0_distractorstatisticsglossary_v1p0.xml | |
V2 | |
imsqti_usagedatav3p0_itemstatisticsglossary_v1p0.xml | |
QTI 2.2
1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability v2.2 Final Specification (1 September 2015)
An update to the QTI v2.2 specification documents including the XSDs was approved by the QTI Workgroup to correct some errors and bugs in the documentation in v2.2.4 (18 March 2021). A list of the updates and changes is available here.
- 1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability Overview
- 1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability Implementation Guide
- 1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability Assessment Test, Section, and Item Information Model
- 1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability Assessment Test, Section, and Item XSD Binding
- 1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability HTML5 Information Model and XSD Binding
- 1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability Metadata Information Model and XSD Binding
- 1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability Results Reporting Information Model and XSD Binding
- 1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability Usage Data Information Model and XSD Binding
Version 2.2 - Final Specification - All Files
Version 2.2 Final Specification - Examples and Schemas
Version 2.2 Final Specification - Response Processing Templates
- /question/qti_v2p2/rptemplates/match_correct
- /question/qti_v2p2/rptemplates/map_response
- /question/qti_v2p2/rptemplates/map_response_point
- /question/qti_v2p2/rptemplates/CC2_match_basic
- /question/qti_v2p2/rptemplates/CC2_match
- /question/qti_v2p2/rptemplates/CC2_map_response
Version 2.2 Final Specification - XML Schema Documents
This is the set of Final Release XSDs developed by 1EdTech to support validation of instances that conform to the 1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) v2.2 specification. The namespace and schema location details for the QTIv2.2.4 XSDs are provided in the tables below.
- Packaging-Related XSDs - the construction of the package manifest for the zipped QTI package;
- QTI-Specific XSDs - definition of the accessible QTI instances, results reports and usage data statistics;
- Metadata-Related XSDs - the set of metadata supported in the manifest;
- Other Required XSDs - other XSDs required for the full validation.
The key for the following tables is:
- "Namespace" - the namespace for the XSD (must be supplied in any XML instance referring to the corresponding XSD);
- "XSD File Name" - the filename for the XSD;
- "Schema Location" - the schema location for the XSD (must be supplied in any XML instance referring to the corresponding XSD).
The following set of XSDs are used for the validation of QTIv2.2:
- P1 - used to validate the "imsmanifest.xml" file that must be present in the zipped package;
- Q1 - used to validate a QTI instance (uses "Q2" to validate the accessibility content);
- Q2 - used to validate the alternative accessibility content for the QTI object;
- Q3 - used to validate the HTML5 content for the QTI object;
- Q4 - used to validate the reporting of QTI results;
- Q5 - used to validate the usage data statistics for presented QTI items;
- M1 - used to validate the learning standards annotations, at the manifest and resource level, defined using the Curriculum Standards Metadata (CSM);
- M2 - used to validate the metadata, in the "imsmanifest.xml" file, defined using IEEE LOM;
- M3 - used to validate the QTI metadata that is associated with a QTI-based resource;
- X1 - used to validate the xml-specific attributes;
- X2 - used to validate the XInclude features;
- X3 - used to validate the MathML 2 features;
- X4 - used to validate the MathML 3 features;
- X5 - used to validate the SSMLv1.0 features;
- X6 - used to validate the SSMLv1.1 features.
1. Packaging-Related XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
P1 | |
qtiv2p2_imscpv1p2_v1p0.xsd | |
2. QTI-Specific XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
Q1* | |
imsqti_v2p2p4.xsd | |
Q2 | |
apipv1p0_qtiextv2p2_v1p0.xsd | |
Q3* | |
imsqtiv2p2p4_html5_v1p0.xsd | |
Q4 | |
imsqti_result_v2p2.xsd | |
Q5 | |
imsqti_usagedata_v2p2.xsd | |
3. Metadata-Related XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
M1 | |
qtiv2p2_csm_v2p2.xsd | |
M2 | |
imsmd_loose_v1p3p2.xsd | |
M3 | |
imsqti_metadata_v2p2.xsd | |
4. Other-Related XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
X1 | |
xml.xsd | |
X2 | |
XInclude.xsd | |
X3 | |
mathml2.xsd | |
X4 | |
mathml3.xsd | |
X5 | |
ssmlv1p0.xsd | |
X6 | |
ssmlv1p1-core.xsd | |
QTI 2.1
NOTE: Deprecation deadlines apply to the QTI 2.1 Certification Program: (Forum Announcement)
- No new QTI 2.1 product (systems & content) certifications will be issued after December 31, 2023.
- No recertifications for QTI 2.1 products after September 30, 2024.
- All QTI 2.1 product (system) certifications will expire December 31, 2024.
- Existing QTI 2.1 Content certifications will remain in the product directory.
- The QTI 2.1 standard, including the online validator, will continue to be available on the 1EdTech website.
1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability v2.1 Final Specification (31 August 2012)
On 1 September 2016, the 1EdTech QTI Evolution and Certification Committee approved a minor change to the ASI Information Model document to correct the maxChoices attribute default setting (Section 7.1) to match the QTI v2.1 XSD.
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Overview
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Implementation Guide
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Assessment Test, Section, and Item Information Model
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability XML Binding
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Results Reporting
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Meta-data and Usage Data
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Migration Guide
Version 2.1 - Final Specification - All Files
Version 2.1 Final Specification - Examples and Schemas
The XSD files are:
- QTI Assessment, Section and Item XSD – imsqti_v2p1.xsd
- QTI Metadata XSD – imsqti_metadata_v2p1.xsd
- QTI Usage Data XSD – imsqti_usagedata_v2p1.xsd
- QTI Result Reporting XSD – imsqti_result_v2p1.xsd
Version 2.1 Final Specification - Glossaries
- distractorstatisticsglossaryv1p0.html
- distractorstatisticsglossaryv1p0.xml
- itemstatisticsglossaryv1p0.html
- itemstatisticsglossaryv1p0.xml
Version 2.1 Final Specification - Response Processing Templates
- /question/qti_v2p1/rptemplates/match_correct
- /question/qti_v2p1/rptemplates/map_response
- /question/qti_v2p1/rptemplates/map_response_point
This is the set of Final Release XSDs developed by 1EdTech to support validation of instances that conform to the 1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) v2.1 specification. The namespace and schema location details for the QTIv2.1 XSDs are provided in the tables below.
- Packaging-Related XSDs - the construction of the package manifest for the zipped QTI package;
- QTI-Specific XSDs - definition of the accessible QTI instances, results reports and usage data statistics;
- Metadata-Related XSDs - the set of metadata supported in the manifest;
- Other Required XSDs - other XSDs required for the full validation.
The key for the following tables is:
- "Namespace" - the namespace for the XSD (must be supplied in any XML instance referring to the corresponding XSD);
- "XSD File Name" - the filename for the XSD;
- "Schema Location" - the schema location for the XSD (must be supplied in any XML instance referring to the corresponding XSD).
The following set of XSDs are used for the validation of QTIv2.1:
- P1 - used to validate the "imsmanifest.xml" file that must be present in the zipped package;
- Q1 - used to validate a QTI instance (uses "Q2" to validate the accessibility content);
- Q2 - used to validate the alternative accessibility content for the QTI object;
- Q3 - used to validate the reporting of QTI results;
- Q4 - used to validate the usage data statistics for presented QTI items;
- M1 - used to validate the metadata, in the "imsmanifest.xml" file, defined using IEEE LOM;
- M2 - used to validate the QTI metadata that is associated with a QTI-based resource;
- X1 - used to validate the xml-specific attributes;
- X2 - used to validate the XInclude features;
- X3 - used to validate the MathML 2 features.
1. Packaging-Related XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
P1 | |
qtiv2p1_imscpv1p2_v1p0.xsd | |
2. QTI-Specific XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
Q1 | |
imsqti_v2p1p2.xsd | |
Q2 | |
apipv1p0_qtiextv2p1_v1p0.xsd | |
Q3 | |
imsqti_result_v2p1.xsd | |
Q4 | |
imsqti_usagedata_v2p1.xsd | |
3. Metadata-Related XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
M1 | |
imsmd_loose_v1p3p2.xsd | |
M2 | |
imsqti_metadata_v2p1.xsd | |
4. Other-Related XSDs
ID | Namespace | XSD File Name | Schema Location |
X1 | |
xml.xsd | |
X2 | |
XInclude.xsd | |
X3 | |
mathml2.xsd | |
QTI 2.0
1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability v2.0 Final Specification
1EdTech Question and Test Interoperability v2.0 Final Specification has three key objectives:
(1) To address relevant issues deferred from v1.0: a new information model has been defined with a new interaction model and a profile of XHTML to replace static material. Authors will now have more control over the behaviour and positioning of feedback and support for cloning using item templates has been added.
(2) To define a method for putting QTI into content packages: a new document has also been created dedicated to meta-data and usage-data (item statistics)
(3) To describe a method for using QTI with Learning Design, Simple Sequencing and the CMI data model
The key document to review is the Overview which describes the purpose of the other documents in the package. The Information Model document contains the detailed information, examples are provided and documented through the Implementation Guide. For those familiar with version 1.x the Migration Guide describes the differences, element by element. An experimental migration script has also been provided.
It should be noted that this specification is focusing on the Item. It is not updating Section and Assessment from v1.x, see the Overview document for more details.
Version 2 - Final Specification - HTML
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Item: Overview
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Item: Information Model
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Item: XML Binding
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Item: Implementation Guide
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Item: Conformance Guide
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Item: Integration Guide
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Item: Meta-data and Usage Data
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Item: Migration Guide
Version 2.0 - Final Specification - PDF
Version 2.0 -1EdTech XML Examples and Schemas
- Download all the Examples, Schemas and DTDs (zip file)
- imsqti-v2p0.dtd
- imsqti-v2p0.xsd
Examples - choice.xml
- choice_doctype.xml
- choice_multiple.xml
- order.xml
- associate.xml
- match.xml
- gap_Match.xml
- inline_Choice.xml
- text_Entry.xml
- extended_Text.xml
- hottext.xml
- hotspot.xml
- select_Point.xml
- graphic_Order.xml
- graphic_Associate.xml
- graphic_Gap_Match.xml
- position_Object.xml
- slider.xml
- drawing.xml
- upload.xml
- upload_Composite.xml
- order_Partial_Scoring.xml
- feedback.xml
- adaptive.xml
- template.xml
- adaptive_Template.xml
Version 2.0 -Response Processing Templates
QTI 1.2
The 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Specification provides proposed standard XML language for describing questions and tests. The specification has been produced to allow the interoperability of content within assessment systems. This will be useful for publishers, certification authorities, teachers, trainers, publishers and creators of assessments, and the software vendors whose tools they use. Authoring tools, and publishers, may publish XML and this data can be imported into other authoring tools and delivery systems. An introduction to help you with your initial learning curve has been produced in the form of a white paper.
An Addendum to 1EdTech QTI v1.2 was reviewed by the 1EdTech Technical Advisory Board in March 2003. This addendum describes amendments that should be made by adopters of the 1EdTech QTI Specification V1.2, thereby creating the 1EdTech QTI V1.2.1 Specification. The differences between the V1.2 and the V1.2.1 specifications are limited to:
- Typographic corrections - corrections of spelling mistakes, wrong references, phraseology, etc.;
- Editorial additions - the provision of improved or new descriptions to clarify the specification;
- Functional corrections - changes to the functionality to correct mistakes and to clarify the intended capability of the specification.
Version 1.2.1 - Final Specification- Addendum - HTML
Version 1.2.1 -1EdTech XML Examples, and DTDs
- Download all the Examples and DTDs (zip file)
- ims_qtiresv1p2p1.xsd
- ims_qtilitev1p2p1.xsd
- ims_qtiasiv1p2p1.xsd
- QTI v1.2.1 Core ASI DTD
- QTI v1.2.1 Section ASI DTD
- QTI v1.2.1 Full ASI DTD
- QTI v1.2.1 Full ASI No Comments DTD
- QTI v1.2.1 Item ASI No Comments DTD
- QTI v1.2.1 Lite ASI No Comments DTD
- QTI v1.2.1 Full RES DTD
- QTI v1.2.1 Full RES No Comments DTD
Version 1.2 - Final Specification - HTML
- 1EdTech Question & Test Interoperability Overview
- 1EdTech Question & Test ASI Best Practice Guide
- 1EdTech Question & Test ASI XML Binding Specification
- 1EdTech Question & Test ASI Information Model
- 1EdTech Question & Test ASI Outcomes Processing Specification
- 1EdTech Question & Test ASI Selection and Ordering Specification
- 1EdTech Question & Test Results Reporting Best Practice and Implementation Guide
- 1EdTech Question & Test Results Reporting XML Binding Guide
- 1EdTech Question & Test Results Reporting Information Model
Version 1.2 -1EdTech XML Examples, XSDs and DTDs
Below are DTDs for IBM. For the full set of DTDs (Unix, Mac and PC) download them from the specification download page.
- QTI ASI Core DTD No Comments - ims_qtiasiv1p2.dtd
- QTI Full DTD - ims_qtiasiv1p2.dtd
- QTI Full DTD No Comments - ims_qtiasiv1p2.dtd
- QTI Item DTD No Comments - ims_qtiasiv1p2.dtd
- QTI Section DTD No Comments - ims_qtiasiv1p2.dtd
* Note the v1.2 XSD's are now deprecated. Use v1.2.1 xsd's instead*
QTI 1.2 Lite
Version 1.2 Lite- Final Specification - HTML
Version 1.2 Lite- DTDs
Below is DTD for IBM. For the full set of DTDs (Unix, Mac and PC) download them from the specification download page.