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Accessibility Specification Index

Specifications Released


Public Draft


1EdTech AccessForAll, v3.0 Public Draft Specification

The Accessibility Workgroup has released a public draft of 1EdTech AccessforAll®, v3.0. The public draft is provided so that implementers have the opportunity to begin work and provide comments before the production of the final specification.

This specification approaches the data model differently than earlier versions, aiming to ease the path for early adopter organizations. The data model is small but easily extendable and includes a Core Profile that provides an even smaller and tighter set of essential elements.

The project group is seeking feedback from the community to ensure the value of the final specification.

The first release of the specification has a high-level model that has a UML representation from which XML Schemas are derived. JSON bindings of the specifications are also available. The project group expects to produce bindings and tools for additional technologies.

Please post comments in the public forum. There is an online validator here where files may be tested. A link to a JSON validator is provided in the JSON notes; however, the JSON validator is not a 1EdTech product and may not be used for conformance.

1EdTech AccessForAll®, - Version 3 Public Draft Specification - HTML

1EdTech AccessForAll®, (AfA) Primer 
1EdTech AccessForAll® Best Practice & Implementation Guide
1EdTech AccessForAll® Core Profiles
1EdTech AccessForAll® Information Model Data Element Specification
1EdTech AccessForAll® Digital Resource Description Specification Information Model
1EdTech AccessForAll® Digital Resource Description (DRD) Binding
1EdTech AccessForAll® Personal Needs & Preferences (PNP) Specification Information Model (Public Draft 2, updated 18 January 2021)
1EdTech AccessForAll® Personal Needs & Preferences (PNP) Binding (Public Draft 2, updated 18 January 2021)
1EdTech AccessForAll® Personal Needs & Preferences (PNP) XSD Checklist (Public Draft 2, updated 18 January 2021)

Access for All JSON Bindings - Note these are not 1EdTech Approved Bindings but are provided for the benefit of the community. They may not be used for any type of 1EdTech Conformance to the AccessForAll Specification.

1EdTech AccessForAll®, - Version 3 Public Draft Specification - XML Examples and Schemas


1EdTech AccessForAll® - Version 3 Public Draft Specification - PDF

Download all the pdf documents and schemas

1EdTech AccessForAll, v2.0 Final Specification

In July 2003, 1EdTech released 1EdTech Learner Information Package Accessibility for LIP v1.0, and in August 2004 'AccessForAll Metadata v1.0'.  Under the agreement, these documents were adopted by ISO/IEC SC36, resulting in the publication, in 2008, of:

  • ISO/IEC 24751-1 AccessForAll®,  Framework and Reference Model;
  • ISO/IEC 24751-2 AccessForAll®, Digital Resource Description;
  • ISO/IEC 24751-3 AccessForAll®, Personal Needs and Preferences for Digital Delivery.

Users must purchase these documents from ISO/IEC. The ISO/IEC standard changed the original work to such an extent that there are significant changes in the information model.  Also, ISO/IEC did not publish an XSD binding. 

As a result, 1EdTech has decided to publish a new set of AccessForAll documents that are consistent with the ISO/IEC ones (they will be technically identical but combine the 1EdTech and ISO/IEC documentation styles). The 1EdTech approach also means that we can easily generate and supply the corresponding XSD binding files. This document set is Access For All v2.0.

The new Access For All®,  v2.0 document set from 1EdTech will consist of two documents:

1) AccessForAll® Digital Resource Description (which is taken from Access For All Metadata v1.0 );
2) AccessForAll® Personal Needs and Preferences for Digital Delivery  (which is taken from 1EdTech Learner Information Package Accessibility for LIP v1.).

1EdTech AccessForAll®, - Version 2 Final Specification - HTML

1EdTech AccessForAll® Digital Resource Description Information Model

1EdTech AccessForAll® Personal Needs and Preferences Description for Digital Delivery Information Model

1EdTech AccessForAll®, - Version 2 Final Specification - XML Examples and Schemas

1EdTech AccessForAll®, - Version 2 Final Specification - PDF

Download all the pdf documents and schemas

1EdTech AccessForAll®, Meta-data Specification

The AccessForAll® Meta-data specification is intended to make it possible to identify resources that match a user's stated preferences or needs. These preferences or needs would be declared using the 1EdTech Learner Information Package Accessibility for LIP specification. The needs and preferences addressed include the need or preference for alternative presentations of resources, alternative methods of controlling resources, alternative equivalents to the resources themselves, and enhancements or supports required by the user. The specification provides a common language for identifying and describing the primary or default resource and equivalent alternatives for that resource.


This work represents an open collaboration between working group members from 1EdTech, Dublin Core, IEEE, CEN-ISSS, Eduspecs, and other groups. The AccessForAll® metadata specification is a proposed unified approach to matching user needs and preferences with the resources that address those needs and preferences across the participating specifications bodies.

1EdTech AccessForAll®, Meta-data Specification - Version 1 Final Specification - HTML

1EdTech AccessForAll®, Meta-data Specification - Version 1 Final Specification - XML Examples and Schemas

1EdTech AccessForAll®, Meta-data Specification - Version 1 Final - PDF

Download the PDF documents.

1EdTech Learner Information Package Accessibility for LIP

The Accessibility for LIP defines two new sub-schemas for the 1EdTech Learning Information Package that define a means to specify accessibility preferences and learner accommodations. These preferences go beyond support for disabled people to include kinds of accessibility needs such as mobile computing, noisy environments, etc. The <accessForAll> element defines accessibility preferences that were left for future work in the 1EdTech Learner Information Package (LIP) specification version 1.0. The "accessibility" data structure includes the following elements: <language>, <preference>, <eligibility>, and <disability> in the LIP. This specification adds the <accessForAll> element under <accessibility> because it is intended to address the needs of learners beyond those with disabilities. The <disability> element is deprecated henceforth.

The Accessibility for Learner Information Package v1 Final Specification was approved by the 1EdTech Technical Advisory Board in July 2003. Comments and questions on the final specification should be posted here in the Accessibility forum .

1EdTech Learner Information Package Accessibility for LIP - Version 1 Final Specification - HTML

1EdTech Learner Information Package Accessibility for LIP - Version 1 Final Specification - XML Examples and Schemas

Learner Information Package Accessibility for LIP - Version 1 - PDF

Download the PDF documents.


1EdTech Guidelines for Developing Accessible Learning Applications

The following set of guidelines developed by the 1EdTech Accessibility Working Group will provide a framework for the distributed learning community. This framework will set the stage for what solutions currently exist, the opportunities and possibilities for implementing them, and the areas where more development and innovation are still needed in educational technologies to ensure education that is truly accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Version 1 White Paper - HTML

Version 1 White Paper- PDF

Download the PDF document.

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